From the Page to Play


This month we’ve been reading “Can You See What I See? Dinosaurs” with Titus focusing on The Basic – Read and Discuss Stories. Reading the book is more than just flipping pages—it’s about making the prehistoric world come alive!

To keep Titus engaged, we create our own dino adventures, sometimes drawing and naming our own dinosaurs. We do hands-on activities, like making hand dinosaur figures, bringing the book to life. We ask questions like, “Can you find the T. rex? Or Which dinosaur is your favorite?” We find a way to relate the different books to real life. Specifically for this book, we ask “Do you remember seeing the T-Rex at the Science Center.”

The book is part of our nightly routine – repetition helps reinforce learning, and we embrace rereading our favorite stories. We encourage him to say some words or phrases with you while reading, which will build his vocabulary over time. Storytime strengthens our bond and fosters a love for books.

Learn more about how to Read and Discuss Stories!

By Candace Martin, Basics Blogger

Children’s Theatre

Bright Star Theatre is presenting Aesop’s Fables for young audiences at the High Point Public Library on 1/27 at 11 am and 2 pm. The classic tales like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” and “The Tortoise and the Haire,” will entertain while engaging children with books. Learn more about the event and how to register to attend the free event below:

11 am Performance

2 pm Performance

Learn more strategies for how to boost your child’s brain development through the Basic: Read and Discuss Stories


Kid’s Read Aloud and Digital Book Resources

Help your kids keep reading and interacting with books over the holiday break with these free resources!

Kanopy – tons of animated children’s books to help connect what your child watches with what they read. Access through both Greensboro and High Point libraries.

Libby App – listen to children’s audiobooks or find titles to read on a device. Offered by Greensboro and High Point Public Libraries.

YouTube Read Alouds – a great list of YouTube channels that specialize in children’s books that are read aloud – reviewed by We Are Teachers.

Hoopla – check your local library for access to this free online resource for ebooks, audiobooks and comics.

Unite for Literacy – free children’s ebooks – no library card necessary.

Maximize Love During the Holidays

MAXIMIZE LOVE DURING THE HOLIDAYS | The holiday season is a time for joy and connection, but it can also bring stress, especially for dads juggling family obligations and traditions. To maximize love during this bustling time, engage in meaningful activities with your family like baking treats or decorating together that
foster connection and create lasting memories. Incorporate practices such as expressing gratitude, where everyone shares what they appreciate about one another, and consider starting a “Love Jar” to capture these moments. Open communication about feelings and holiday expectations is vital for maintaining emotional bonds and understanding.

Managing stress during the holidays involves setting realistic expectations and prioritizing self-care. Acknowledge that not everything will go perfectly; focus on quality time rather than perfection. Delegate tasks to family members, creating a sense of teamwork and shared responsibility. Practicing mindfulness, such as taking a few deep breaths in stressful moments, can help you stay grounded and present, enhancing your ability to connect with loved ones.

The Basic – Maximize Love, Manage Stress is key to a fulfilling holiday season. Reflect on your family values and create traditions that emphasize togetherness, whether it’s a game night or volunteering. Stay flexible, as plans may change, and unexpected challenges will arise. By committing to these practices, you can navigate the holidays with joy, cherish the moments spent with family, and foster a loving environment for all. Happy holidays!

By Jayvon Johnson, educator, doula and founder of The Peculiar Dad

Turning Math Into Play

TURNING MATH INTO PLAY | As a parent, I help Titus become familiar with numbers, patterns and comparisons; all fundamental skills to understanding math.

The first step of the Count, Group and Compare Basic is counting. We count toy cars, steps we take while walking and even items at the grocery store. We use number cards to count; we use the cards so that Titus learns to match the actual number he’s reciting. While in the car, we listen to songs with rhymes and counting, we recite numbers that we see on street signs or license plates and we do countdowns for when the street light will change.

Titus loves cars, so we use different car types and group them together. Titus also likes to “help” with household tasks like laundry; so we use this time to sort and match clothing.

We compare things by looking at size and amounts. These comparisons help introduce certain math concepts such as measurements and quantities.

With Count, Group and Compare, we use a hands-on approach but also keep it playful. We weave in number references throughout the day to show Titus that he can be a “math person” too!

A Book For Any Moment

A BOOK FOR ANY MOMENT | In our house, reading isn’t just a bedtime thing, it happens all day! Reading is so much more than just an activity. It serves all kinds of purposes that ultimately helps our girls with their emerging reading skills.

  • Eleanor (3) reaches for books whenever she’s feeling overwhelmed. It’s our favorite calm-down strategy.
  • Claire (23 months) is all about learning new words, and books make it fun! We’ll pause during reading, and she fills in words she knows. She loves “reading” to us!
  • We also use books to introduce new experiences, like visiting the dentist or, recently, learning about trick-or-treating. They really help bring new adventures to life!
  • After a long, busy day, we’ll often read together at the dinner table to unwind
  • Books make long car rides much more manageable. We never leave home without a few in our bag! 

Books are such a versatile part of our day. Whether we’re reading a story for the 100th time or discovering something new, books have this amazing ability to spark curiosity, calm us down, and bring us together. We love to Read and Discuss Stories all day long!

Dad-Style Talk, Sing and Point: Jayvon Johnson Shares Communication Tips


As fathers, we often think about the big milestones in our children’s lives: their first steps, first words, and first days of school. However, there’s another foundational aspect to early childhood development that can sometimes be overlooked: the power of communication.

My wife and I are seeing the fruit of our investment in communication with our 5-year old son. He started kindergarten this year and is thriving in school in part, because we started using The Basics principles with him as a baby.

Talk: The Foundation of Connection

Talking to your child is one of the most effective ways to promote their language development and strengthen your bond with them. It’s not just about teaching them words but also about sharing experiences and emotions. Dads have a big role to play in this process – the more you engage with your child, the more their brains will develop. Here are some actionable tips:

  • Everyday Conversations: Make it a habit to narrate your day-to-day activities. Whether you’re cooking dinner or running errands, share what you’re doing and why. This not only introduces new vocabulary but also helps your child understand the world around them.

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Engage your child in conversations by asking questions that require more than a yes or no answer. For example, instead of asking, “Did you have fun at the park?” try, “What was your favorite part of playing at the park?” This encourages them to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Read Together: Make reading a daily ritual. Choose age-appropriate books and encourage your child to point out pictures or predict what happens next. This fosters a love for reading and deepens your interaction.

Incorporating the Basic Talk, Sing, and Point into your daily routines can significantly enhance your relationship with your child while laying the groundwork for their language and cognitive development. These activities are not just educational; they are opportunities for bonding, laughter, and shared experiences.

As fathers, we have the incredible power to shape our children’s lives through simple interactions. So, let’s embrace the joy of talking, singing, and pointing because every moment spent together is a moment of growth!

– Jayvon Johnson, Basics Blogger, Educator and Founder of The Peculiar Dad Club

Staying Calm During Toddler Emotions

STAYING CALM DURING TODDLER EMOTIONS | Lately, Titus has been experiencing what we call “big feelings.” From happiness to sadness, love to frustration, and even fear, his emotions have been coming in full force. We know that these feelings are an important part of his development, so we make it a priority to let him fully experience them. Then, we talk through those emotions and gently guide him on how to manage them.

As we incorporate The BasicMaximize Love, Manage Stress, we want to make sure Titus knows he can count on us. We respond to his needs; making sure he feels secure and loved. Sometimes that means giving him a hug when he’s sad or simply sitting quietly next to him until he’s ready to talk. We reassure him that his feelings are validated.

One recent challenge for Titus has been walking down the stairs. He’s been feeling scared about taking steps on his own. Instead of picking him up or rushing him through the moment, we’ve chosen to be by his side, cheering him on. We stand patiently, letting him take his time, and encourage him to take each step when he’s ready. Sometimes he pauses, and that’s okay. We celebrate every accomplishment, even the little ones, and we always make sure to tell him how proud we are once he reaches the bottom.

As every parent knows, toddler emotions can flip in an instant. One moment Titus is laughing, and the next, he’s overwhelmed with tears. These mood swings can be overwhelming for us as well, but we remind ourselves that it’s essential to stay calm. When we’re grounded, it helps ease his stress, and it teaches him that even in overwhelming moments, there’s a way to manage those feelings. When he isn’t in a place of constant stress, it allows his brain and body to develop in a healthy way!

Now, staying calm isn’t always easy—trust me. But it’s important to give yourself grace. If we can keep our stress in check, we can be the best version of ourselves for our child(ren), showing them how to handle their emotions with love and patience.

Being there for Titus, whether it’s through supporting his big feelings or celebrating his small victories, is one of the greatest joys and challenges of this parenting journey. And through it all, we’re constantly reminded that love, patience, and encouragement make all the difference.

By Candace Martin

Sensory Play for Sick Days

SENSORY PLAY FOR SICK DAYS | If you have a preschooler who started school this fall, you know the endless cycle of germs and illness. It’s wild how a 3-year-old can have a fever and still zoom around like nothing’s wrong! Eleanor is no exception and getting her to slow down and rest is nearly impossible. But one thing that’s worked for us is sensory bins! They keep her seated, entertained, and promote learning. Her favorite is her “dinosaur dig” bin. We layer rice (“grass”), beans (“rocks”), and oat flour (“sand”), then bury plastic dinosaurs for her to dig up with a spoon. It’s super simple, cheap, and she loves it! With the cooler weather, we have moved this activity outside, so she gets fresh air without sprinting around the yard. Plus, it can get messy, so taking it outside is a nice bonus haha!

This activity is awesome for building fine motor skills and boosting creativity. Eleanor loves pretending with the dinosaurs, using her imagination, and practicing language through hands-on, open-ended play. She also enjoys adding trucks and other toys to create even more elaborate stories during her playtime.

Sensory bins are a great way for Eleanor to Explore Through Movement and Play without leaving the house, which is a lifesaver when she’s not feeling her best. She can scoop, dig, and discover all kinds of treasures right from home… and there are lots of different materials that can work like real sand, play sand, different types of beans, etc.!

The Power of Words

THE POWER OF WORDS | When speaking to Titus about something, we incorporate pointing so that he has a visual of what we are describing. Singing and talking helps grow his vocabulary and makes the discussion engaging.

As Titus gets older, he likes to mimic what he sees. So we use his “cell phone” to talk to each other about our day, what we are currently doing, what we had for dinner, etc. Going back and forth with each other helps build his conversation skills.

We also talk about different places which helps Titus understand the concept of space. So we may say” Daddy is at work” or “it’s time to go to school.”

Talking to Titus daily, asking questions and encouraging him to use his own voice is amazing progress. We make sure to encourage him and let him know he is doing a great job, even if he has some challenges with certain words. Pointing also helps him show us words he is trying to say, but hasn’t mastered yet so we ask him to show us what he wants and we repeat the word back to help him learn.

We’ve also added affirmations to his room, so that when he wakes up, we recite them and we’ve started saying some affirmations on our way to school each morning. This repetition helps his vocabulary grow as he is building his pre-reading skills.

The BasicTalk, Sing and Point helps Titus learn how language works. We find that being consistent with the Basics makes the journey of helping him discover the power of his words more fun!

By Candace Martin

Family Trip Count Down

FAMILY TRIP COUNT DOWN | We are taking a family trip in a few days, and the girls (Eleanor – 3; Claire – 21 months) are excited! Most parents can relate that packing with 2 small kids means taking what feels like your whole life with you. Packing is an Olympic sport over here! As we’ve been packing and preparing, I’ve noticed so many opportunities to incorporate the Basic, Count, Group, and Compare.

Every morning, Eleanor asks if we are going to the airport that day. She knows we are leaving on a Friday, but doesn’t have concept of days yet. When she asks, I’ll tell her what the day is, and we count the days until we get to Friday (i.e., “Today is Wednesday, hold up your fingers and count with me until we get to Friday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. How many fingers is that?”)

Packing has also offered many organic opportunities to Count, Group, and Compare. We’ve counted out how many shirts we need to pack, grouped together outfits and shoes, and compared the sizes of our suitcases. As a side, we’ve also had conversations about what we need to take and what we don’t. I found a roll of toilet paper in one of our bags, haha!

We’re excited to see how else we can Count, Group, and Compare during our travels! I have a feeling we will know how many seats are in our airplane by the end of our flight.

By Lizzy Tahsuda

Building His Own Library

BUILDING HIS OWN LIBRARY | This summer, Titus took advantage of Free Book Friday; a partnership between the Guilford Basics and Triad Goodwill. Each visit we would look for a different book on a different topic. Having this type of resource available made reading engaging and meaningful for Titus since he was able to pick out his own books.

We commit to read everyday, whether it’s before school or at bedtime, we make sure to allocate time for Titus to engage with books or create stories from scratch.

Another thing we’ve done using the The Basic: Read and Discuss Stories is choosing a different word to focus on and use it daily to help build Titus’ vocabulary. We’ve found that audio books are a great resource as well; especially for long car rides! They tap into his imagination and allows us to really discuss stories and what we think will happen next.

We also took a trip to a local library, the Glenn McNairy Branch! Not only is it full of great books; they also offer many hands on experiential opportunities for children to engage with stories and books and there are many reading nooks!

The Power of Talk, Sing and Point: A Dad’s Perspective

THE POWER OF TALK, SING AND POINT: A DAD’S PERSPECTIVE | Dads can sing too! Well maybe not all of us can do it well, but we can have fun while trying it! I’ve learned that communication starts long before children can form complete sentences. Engaging with your child through talking, singing, and pointing lays the foundation for their language development and emotional connection. Here’s how these simple interactions have
made a big difference in my child’s growth.

Responding with Eye Contact and a Loving Voice
From the moment my son was an infant, responding to his coos and babbles with eye contact
and a warm, loving voice was essential. These interactions aren’t just about communication
they build trust and make your child feel valued. When I mirrored his sounds and responded
with enthusiasm, I noticed his engagement and excitement grow.

The Magic of Talking
I was never the baby talk guy (not everyone at once in the comments lol). Talking to your child,
even when they can’t talk back, is incredibly beneficial. Describing what you’re doing, what
they’re seeing, or narrating everyday activities helps build their vocabulary and understanding of
language. Whether it’s a simple explanation of a meal you’re preparing or a description of a
walk in the park, every word counts in their language development.

The Joy of Singing
Singing is more than just fun it’s a powerful way to bond with your child and support their
language skills. Whether it’s lullabies, nursery rhymes, or silly songs, singing helps with
language rhythm, memory, and emotional connection. I’ve found that singing to my son not only
makes him smile but also helps him learn new words and sounds.

The Importance of Pointing
Pointing helps children connect words with objects and actions. When my son was learning new
words, pointing to objects and naming them made a huge difference. It’s a simple yet effective
way to teach vocabulary and support their understanding of the world. Incorporating pointing
into your daily routines can make learning new words an engaging and interactive experience.

From my perspective as a father, focusing on the Basic: Talk, Sing and Point is foundational to nurturing your
child’s language development and emotional bond. By engaging with your child through these
simple but meaningful interactions, you help them build communication skills and feel loved and

Let’s Play Ball

LET’S PLAY BALL | Recently, Titus got to enjoy some baseball and cheer on the Greensboro Grasshoppers! He was thrilled watching the players dash around the bases and score home runs. But the highlight of his day was when he met Guily and hit his own home run in the joy department!

Explore Through Movement and Play is so essential for toddlers! We make it a point to let Titus take the lead, allowing him to figure things out on his own and use his imagination to its fullest.
We spend time outdoors, but it’s amazing how often simple household objects can captivate him.

Titus has recently developed a fascination with turning lights on and off. No matter if I’ve just switched them on, he’ll come right behind me and flick them off. We’ve turned this into a playful game, making it fun while also explaining the importance of light.

Titus also loves using empty paper towel holders as a microphone, putting on little shows for us.

We provide him with coloring sheets and crayons, encouraging him to create his own masterpieces.

And sometimes, we just turn on some music and let him dance away, getting all his wiggles out.

By Candace Martin

The Science Behind Why Talking to Young Children Matters

The Basics Guilford team invited LENA (Language ENvironment Analysis) leaders to share how caregivers regularly talking with young children positively impacts brain development. LENA is a national nonprofit on a mission to transform children’s futures through early talk technology and data-driven programs. One of those is using small, wearable, child-safe devices to measure the quality and quantity of conversation children experience with caregivers each day. Often, this research is conducted at childcare centers, although the technology can also be used to improve parent/child interactions.

Conversational turns are defined as simple back-and-forth alternations between a child and an adult. LENA technology counts that a turn has occurred when an adult speaks and a child follows, or vice versa, with no more than five seconds in between. Any speech-like, non-cry sound counts as a turn — from an infant’s coos to a toddler’s words (either real or made up).

Conversational turns are among the most predictive metrics of positive child outcomes such as:

Brain structure

Conversational turns are linked to the strength of white matter connections between two key language regions in the brain, according to a paper published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

A second study in the Journal of Neuroscience links conversational turns as early as six months of age to white matter myelination at two years of age.

Brain function

Conversational turns are linked to activation in Broca’s area of the brain, a well-known Language center, according to a paper published in the journal Psychological Science.

Reading skills

Conversational turns are linked to increased surface area of the left perisylvian cortex, an area of the brain associated with language comprehension and reading skills, according to a paper published in the journal Child Development.

Social-emotional development

Conversational turns are linked to increased emotional regulation, attachment, and emotional communication, according to a paper published in the journal Developmental Science.

Language, executive functioning, and reasoning scores

Conversational turns are linked to cortical growth in language and social processing regions of the brain, according to a paper published in the journal Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

Vocabulary skills

Conversational turns are linked to preschoolers’ vocabulary skills, according to a paper published in the journal Infant and Child Development.

There is overwhelming evidence that conversational turns have more brain-building power than adult words alone. Take a moment to learn more practical tips for talking to your kids using The Basics here.

Provided by  

Jodi Whiteman, LENA Director of Growth & Partnerships

Amy Marciniak, LENA Senior Regional Partnership Director

Hugs Build Brains

HUGS BUILD BRAINS | When babies are born, touch is the first sense to come online. This is why skin-to-skin contact is so important at birth. Physical touch helps infants regulate temperature, heart rate, and stress hormones. But, how does caring, compassionate touch help children as they grow?

  1. Nurturing touch provides the stimulation growing brains need for normal brain development
  2. Kids need hugs to be healthy. Hugs trigger the release of oxytocin, which also triggers the release of growth hormones in the body.
  3. Hugs can help buffer the affects of the stress hormones – cortisol and adrenaline that are released during times of stress. Too many stress hormones cause disruptions in the body and brain, which can have long-term effects on mental and physical health into adulthood.
  4. Hugs help you bond. In addition to helping kids calm down, nurturing touch is a reminder to them of your commitment to them and care for them. The bond you share will help you both weather the stress of everyday life!

Learn more about how to Maximize Love, Manage Stress with your preschool children!

Let us know you want to join our email list to get more brain-building tips!

Rhyming Time!

RHYMING TIME! | Eleanor turned 3 a few months ago, and she has shown a growing interest in learning to
read. She loves pointing out letters she recognizes, and she is learning what sounds each letter makes. One way we are encouraging her interest is through rhyming words. In conversation, if a simple word comes up, we ask her what it rhymes with. For example:

Eleanor: Dad, you’re wearing a hat!
Dad: I am! It’s a black hat. Do you know what rhymes with hat?

We’ll then name several words that rhyme, and she has started jumping in with her own
suggestions too.

The other day she decided to build a block tower in a cardboard box (don’t ask us why haha), and she pointed out all on her own that box and blocks rhyme! Being the big sister, she has started relaying what she learns to her little sister, Claire (19 months). We’ll overhear Eleanor asking Claire if she knows what words rhyme with. Not only is it adorable, but it shows that she understands!

Additionally, Eleanor loves to sing and since we’ve been focusing on rhyming, she will now pause and recognize when songs have rhyming words. It’s amazing how focusing on The Basic – Talk, Sing and Point has strengthened her foundation for reading and helped her overall brain development!

By Lizzy Tahsuda

Exploring the Fun Side of Numbers

EXPLORING THE FUN SIDE OF NUMBERS | On a recent visit to a local children’s museum, we had the opportunity to participate in many hands-on learning activities. As we practiced the Basic – Count, Group and Compare – Titus matched blocks, assembled puzzles, and was deeply engaged in the water exhibit. Each activity challenged him to experiment, adjust, invent, discover, and design.

At home, we enjoy counting objects around the house together and then asking Titus to repeat the numbers after us. We also practice sorting crayons by color and blocks by size, which helps him learn about patterns and groupings. When we read, we choose books that feature numbers and counting to reinforce these concepts.

These activities, both at the museum and at home, not only make learning fun for Titus but also help build a strong foundation for his future math skills. It’s wonderful to see his excitement and curiosity grow as he engages in these playful yet educational experiences.

By Candace Martin

Library Magic

LIBRARY MAGIC | I have fond memories of spending time at the library as a kid. Whether I was browsing
the shelves with my grandmother or playing giant checkers with my dad, the library was a magical staple of my childhood. It warms my heart that our girls, Eleanor (3 years) and Claire (18 months), love the library too.

The library provides a sense of independence that resonates with toddlers and preschoolers. They get to pick out their own books and decide where they want to read them. We Read and Discuss Stories beyond the words on the page. While we do this at home, these books are new which adds a layer of curiosity. This leads to
longer attention spans and more in-depth conversations as we talk about how the characters might be feeling and what we think will happen next. They get to decide whether they want to take a book home or keep looking for a more enticing choice.

They both have their own library cards that they proudly give to the librarian when we are checking out books. Even the act of putting their books in the return slot gives them a feeling of autonomy!

The library offers comforting boundaries and structure. They understand that they need to use quiet voices and calm bodies. It’s a great environment to center ourselves and escape the heat on summer afternoons. The library is our happy place! Click here for more tips on how to Read and Discuss Stories.

By Lizzy Tahsuda

The Balancing Act

THE BALANCING ACT | The daily juggle of emotions, work, family and personal time can feel like a balancing act. But finding the time to unwind and connect with each other helps us Maximize Love, Manage Stress; with a little patience, it’s easy to get started.

We make quality time a priority. Creating dedicated family time builds strengthens out bond; whether it’s going out for breakfast, family game nights, putting together a puzzle or settling down for bedtime stories.

We listen to each other. Whether we can understand Titus or not we remove distractions, give him eye contact and our full attention when we talk.

We show each other gratitude and love. We say “please” and “thank you” and give hugs.

Being active and getting sleep helps to manage stress. Sometimes naps happen and sometimes they don’t; when they don’t Titus can become fussy and full of emotions. When this happens, we help him calm down by breathing and soothing him.

The balancing act of love and stress takes a lot of effort, but having a loving home environment is well worth it!

Learn more about how to Maximize Love, Manage Stress.

By Candace Martin

The Basics Guilford PlayDaze – October 12

October 12 | 10 am – 1 pm | Peeler Park and Recreation Center OR Washington Terrace Park
The Basics Guilford PlayDaze is a FREE morning of outdoor play and exploration available at two Guilford County locations for your convenience:
1) Peeler Park & Recreation Center, 1300 Sykes Ave, Greensboro, NC 27405
2) Washington Terrace Park & Comm. Center, 101 Gordon Street, High Point, NC 27260
As a way to build awareness around the Basic – Explore Through Movement and Play, PlayDaze celebrates the value of play and is designed to provide diverse play activities for preschoolers and families of all ages. Activities include:

– Outdoor Play
– Engaging activities for kids and community resources for caregivers
– Explore with local museums
– Opportunities to read
– Food Trucks and more!

Toddler Talk Adventures

TODDLER TALK ADVENTURES | Toddler parents, yall okay? Every day is like a new adventure, but it’s all part of the joy of helping our little ones figure out life! Now at two years old, Titus is a chatterbox; most times repeating himself many times.

Using the Basic – Talk, Sing and Point helps us teach Titus about communication and putting words together. Titus is always full of questions, like “Momma, what’s that?” or “Help me!” We make sure to keep the conversation flowing, asking him questions to expand on the words he’s using. It’s amazing to see him soak it all in and start making those connections.

We also use this basic to identify body parts, household items, toys and colors. We’re big fans of Gracie’s Corner, so the song, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is the perfect song to dance to and point to each body part ask “where’s Titus’ nose?” When we are reading books, we’ll talk about the pictures we see and the different characters of each book. During art time, we identify colors and even mix colors together to see what new shades we can create.

There are times when we don’t quite understand everything Titus is saying, but that’s okay! The important thing is that we’re communicating, building his confidence, and giving him the tools to express himself.

By Candace Martin

Pom Pom Play Time

POM POM PLAY TIME | We love multipurpose items in our house – and pom poms are a favorite! It’s amazing
how many games and activities we can play with them. All of them promote the Basic – count, group and compare!

Claire, 16 months, loves to put them into containers. We tape paper cups to the wall (we
use painter’s tape) and help her sort them by various sizes and colors as she puts them
into the cups. It’s an easy activity with minimal prep and clean up, and it’s a great
learning opportunity!

Eleanor, 2 years, also loves pom poms! We string painter’s tape between two walls with
the sticky side up, and Eleanor will use plastic tongs to put the pom poms on the tape in
a line (Great pre-writing activity for increasing grip strength)! We make patterns with them and count how many we can fit on the line. It holds her attention and she’ll often do this activity independently if it is set up for her.

Of course, pom poms are also just fun to play with! My favorite is when the girls are
under the kitchen table and tossing the pom poms back and forth. The giggles are

By Lizzy Tahsuda

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Guilford Basics