
About The Basics Guilford

The Basics Guilford is an initiative of Ready for School, Ready for Life in partnership with the Cemala Foundation. The Basics are five science-based parenting and caregiving practices that can be used in everyday life to benefit young children in Guilford County. While the program is being coordinated locally by a dedicated group of nonprofits and community leaders committed to early childhood development, the Basics is part of a broader, national network of communities striving to help all children thrive.

The Cemala Foundation

The Cemala Foundation

The Cemala Foundation was chartered in 1986 by Martha and Ceasar Cone II. A son of the co-founder of Cone Mills, Mr. Cone was president and chairman of the textile manufacturing corporation headquartered in Greensboro from 1956 to 1973. Mr. Cone died in November 1986. The Foundation received its initial endowment from the estate of Mrs. Cone after her death in 1993 and began operations in 1994. The Cones envisioned the Foundation as a way of continuing the family’s history of personal and business commitment to Greensboro. With an understanding that tomorrow’s issues and problems might differ from today’s, the Foundation charter places no limitation on the charitable projects to be undertaken but entrusts the board to respond to changing times and needs. Today, The Cemala Foundation focuses its giving around early childhood development, job training, transformational spaces and opportunities and supporting existing community organizations.

Ready for School, Ready for Life

Ready for School, Ready for Life

Ready for School, Ready for Life is a collaborative effort to build a connected, innovative system of care with and for Guilford County’s youngest children and their families. When children enter kindergarten developmentally on-track, their chances of school and life success increase dramatically. They’re more likely to: read on grade level by the end of third grade, graduate from high school, have higher paying jobs and contribute more in taxes, and live longer, healthier lives. Ready for School, Ready for Life’s goal is to build a supportive, responsive system of care that improves outcomes for children and their families while reducing disparities. In partnership with families, partner organizations and our whole community, Ready for School, Ready for Life seeks to improve outcomes in these areas: planned and well-timed pregnancies, healthy births, on track development for infants & toddlers, kindergarten readiness, and success in third grade.

Guilford Basics