“The Five To Thrive!”
The Basics are five fun, free, simple, and powerful things anyone can do to help every child have a great start in life.
Why The Basics Matter
Research shows that 80% of brain growth happens by age 3 and 90% by age 5. During this time, skill gaps emerge between socio-economic, racial and ethnic groups. Simple interactions can help. In fact, everyday interactions between children, their parents and other caregivers provide abundant opportunities to give every child a more equal start in life.
Let’s seize the opportunity!
The Basics and Ready for School, Ready for Life
Ready for School, Ready for Life is building a connected, innovative system of care for Guilford County’s youngest children and their families. We want every baby born in Guilford County to enter kindergarten on track – ready for success in school and in life. The Basics Guilford is one of our primary strategies to support caregivers of children 0-5 years old and optimize the growth and development of the next generation.