Reading Time

Reading Time

By Glasher and Ray Robinson

Logan and Lauren were excited to read What Will Kami E Bee? In the book, the main character Kami E searches to determine what occupation she will have in the future. Through exploration of different paths and conversations with friends who can be found in nature, Kami E learns about various careers. For Logan and Lauren, the best part of the book was the fact that Kami E looks like them, an African American young lady. Representation Matters!

Throughout the book, Logan points to pictures and says the names and roles of Kami E’s friends. Lauren made predictions about what career Kami E would choose and why. Logan then attempted to reread the book herself based on what she remembered, using the pictures and adding her own details on occasion. In the end, the Robinson girls concluded if Kami E can, so can they! Logan decided she wants to be a doctor and Lauren a medical professor. This was absolutely fitting since the author, Dr. Jasmine Weiss, works in both of those capacities as a pediatrician and an assistant professor at UNC Chapel Hill Department of Pediatrics. The icing on the cake is that Dr. Weiss also looks like them. We highly recommend this book, which we purchased on Amazon.

Story Time Fun!

Story Time Fun!

By Terry and Candace Martin

When we first found out we were expecting, we knew we wanted to get as many books for our baby boy to enjoy. Now at 7 months, Titus has a collection of books; some classics, some new and diverse that include stories and characters that look like him.

He loves books that have touch and feel, makes sounds and lots of images. We have recently been reading My First 100 Words, a board book filled with colors, words and pictures that describe each word.

Titus loves to help turn the pages and even hold the book himself. We read each page using different voices and sounds and discuss the illustrations on each page.

We also took advantage of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library that sends him a FREE book every month until he is five years old. It is always exciting each month to see what book he will get and add it to his bookshelf.


Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader

Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader

By Jasmine Faison and Jonathan Linton
Transitioning from the baby to toddler stage is no easy feat, but the more Jade’s awareness and skills grow, the more excited we become. Read and Discuss Stories is one of our favorite Basics from both stages, as it aids Jade’s intellectual development and our family bonding time.
We have been reading books to and with Jade since she was first born. Now, she not only reads with us, but she flips through the pages on her own throughout the day. When she is ready, she brings the books of her choice to us, indicating that she is ready for storytime before bed. We are fortunate to have so many great books to choose from. We are also signed up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, so Jade receives a free book once a month! Join today!
Next stop on our reading journey, our very first library card!

Guilford Basics