Love & Hugs Go A Long Way

LOVE AND HUGS GO A LONG WAY | Applying the basic – Maximize Love, Manage Stress to our daily routine offers Titus a safe space to express his emotions. As a working parent, juggling life, and family responsibilities can be demanding, but we make sure to spend time with Titus and give him our full attention.

Here are some practical ways we have adapted Maximize Love, Manage Stress to help Titus feel loved, nurtured and supported.

  • Cuddles and Hugs: I may be biased, but Titus gives the best hugs! We always tell him we love him in the morning, at bedtime and at school drop off.
  • Playtime: Giving Titus one on one time while playing with blocks and toys or while reading a book strengthens our bond. We also make sure we spend time outside and play or take walks to help burn off energy.
  • Providing a Structured Routine: We try to stick to a routine, especially during the weeknights. This gives Titus comfort, helps reduce stress and ultimately helps him sleep better at night when he is relaxed.

Incorporating this basic into our lives has not only helped Titus through typical toddler stressors and challenges, but it has also helped us as parents take time and emphasize love, routines and relaxation no matter how hectic life can get.

– By Candace Martin

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