Hot Baby Summer

summer baby

Hot Baby Summer

By Terry and Candace Martin
It’s summertime and we’ve been outside! Titus took his first dip in the pool; he was a little nervous, but once he got comfortable, he started splashing water everywhere. He also attended his first Greensboro Grasshoppers game. We pointed at players and clapped & cheered during home runs!
Titus has learned to use his voice – full of babbles! We’ve created Titus a playlist of music that covers the alphabet, colors, nursery rhymes and counting. He LOVES Gracie’s Corner music!
Titus is curious of all things; he reaches and grabs for anything that’s near him. We use Talk, Sing and Point to discuss what things are and how we use them. We also talk to him about various activities and daily routines. Whether it’s good morning when we wake up, to opening the blinds, picking out his clothes for the day and getting in the car to head to school.
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