Emotions and Encouragement

EMOTIONS AND ENCOURAGEMENT | The Basic – Maximize Love, Manage Stress is all about emotions, behavior and feelings.

At 17 months, Titus is becoming very aware of his emotions; whether he’s exhausted after a fun filled day at daycare, pushed himself past his naptime or when he’s “hangry”.

When these emotions come out we make sure to give him a hug and express that it’s okay, take a few seconds and just sit with him while he calms down or read a quick book. Sticking to our daily routine in the morning, at dinner and bedtime helps Titus know what to expect and makes it easier for him to transition from one thing to the next.

As parents, it’s important for us to always express love to Titus to make him feel secure and safe. When we encourage and guide him, we see how confident it makes him feel to push himself to do something new or to repeat a positive action. It’s also important for us to manage our own stress, express gratitude and to just be present which in turn strengthens our bond.

By Candace Martin

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