Family Trip Count Down

FAMILY TRIP COUNT DOWN | We are taking a family trip in a few days, and the girls (Eleanor – 3; Claire – 21 months) are excited! Most parents can relate that packing with 2 small kids means taking what feels like your whole life with you. Packing is an Olympic sport over here! As we’ve been packing and preparing, I’ve noticed so many opportunities to incorporate the Basic, Count, Group, and Compare.

Every morning, Eleanor asks if we are going to the airport that day. She knows we are leaving on a Friday, but doesn’t have concept of days yet. When she asks, I’ll tell her what the day is, and we count the days until we get to Friday (i.e., “Today is Wednesday, hold up your fingers and count with me until we get to Friday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. How many fingers is that?”)

Packing has also offered many organic opportunities to Count, Group, and Compare. We’ve counted out how many shirts we need to pack, grouped together outfits and shoes, and compared the sizes of our suitcases. As a side, we’ve also had conversations about what we need to take and what we don’t. I found a roll of toilet paper in one of our bags, haha!

We’re excited to see how else we can Count, Group, and Compare during our travels! I have a feeling we will know how many seats are in our airplane by the end of our flight.

By Lizzy Tahsuda

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